Thursday, 3 January 2013

New year - patriotic pride

First of all....Happy New Year!

Its been a very long time since i've  blogged but never too late.
so after 2012 being an amazing time for us to be proud to be British im feeling like 2013 might be a little bit of a downer in comparison.

After the Jubilee and the Olympics and Para - Olympics it's going to be hard to beat. New years is a time for celebration and unity, much like the past year but its also a time for reflection.
I had the amazing opportunity to go to London for New Years Eve, it was fantastic, i've never had a better new years eve! we were on the embankment directly oposite the London eye, the atmosphere was incredible, I loved every moment of it.

As the count down started and then the fire works began, i thought about the year i had personally, the company i have been with, the event and conversations i've had, the stories i've heard and what i've seen from the British public.
Everyone knows that Britian doesnt have the best reputation, high binge drinking culture, high teen pregnancy, no jobs etc.....But in amongst all of that, we as a nation managed to come together and celebrate our amazing Queens jubilee, what a fantastic job we did competing and hosting the Olympics.. whilst watching the beautiful fireworks going on i got a little emotional (no surprise to some) at how proud i am to be British, how much we have accomplished as a nation/family.
How even when we feel like we dont live in community with other, we come together and stand with one another.. Isnt that what family is?
As a nation we area family, i think its time we start acting like it more and more not just when there is a special occasion.

2013 the year of the family! Lets stand together.......God Bless and Happy New Year x

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